27. Low carb diet on your own terms: breaking free from diet industry prison with Nikola Howard

In this episode Gosia Nagy is talking with Nikola Howard, a low carb expert in UK , who has been let down like many of us by the western medicine but found her way through nutrition to health and wellbeing. Her approach is low carb but through her approach she represents a rare approach that is breaking free from the diet industry prison to sensible lifestyle choices. An exciting conversation about what's possible when you apply the science of nutrition with coaching and allow it to be firmly established in reality of life. 

You can find out more about Nikola on here

If you are ready to have a conversations about your challenges in life Gosia offers a few spots a month for a complementary initial consultation . Book a call here (Limited time offer)

To find out more about Gosia go to www.gosianagy.com
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